Delivery Waiver Form

By opting for delivery or pick-up services from Family Land Garden’s Plants, Soils and more LLC, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:


Damages during Unloading: Family Land Garden’s Plants, Soils and more LLC shall not be held responsible for any damages that may occur to your driveway or surrounding property during the unloading of materials. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the unloading area is clear and suitable for the delivery or pick-up process.


Damages during Loading: Family Land Garden’s Plants, Soils and more LLC disclaims any liability for damages caused to your vehicle, trailer, or any other mode of transportation during the loading of materials. It is the customer’s responsibility to secure and protect their vehicle or trailer to prevent any potential damages during the loading process.


Acceptance of Materials: Upon delivery or pick-up, the customer or their representative must inspect the materials and ensure they meet the required specifications. Any discrepancies or concerns must be reported to Family Land Garden’s Plants, Soils and more LLC immediately. Once the materials are accepted, the company assumes no liability for any issues that may arise thereafter.


Safe Transportation: If the customer chooses to transport the materials themselves, it is their responsibility to ensure the safe and legal transportation of the load. This includes complying with all applicable state and local regulations regarding the weight, securing, and transportation of landscaping materials.


Hold Harmless: By accepting this waiver, the customer agrees to indemnify and hold Family Land Garden’s Plants, Soils and more LLC harmless from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses that may arise from the use, transportation, or handling of the purchased materials.


State-Specific Regulations (Texas): In addition to the above terms, customers in the state of Texas must adhere to state-specific regulations governing the use and transportation of landscaping materials. Customers are responsible for understanding and complying with these regulations.


Cancellation and Rescheduling: In the event that a delivery or pick-up needs to be rescheduled or canceled, the customer must notify Family Land Garden’s Plants, Soils and more LLC within a reasonable timeframe. Failure to do so may result in additional fees or charges.


Product Disclaimer: While Family Land Garden’s Plants, Soils and more LLC takes great care in providing high-quality materials, natural variations may exist in colors, textures, and sizes. The company does not guarantee exact replication of displayed samples.


By proceeding with the delivery or pick-up service, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this waiver and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us before finalizing your order.

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